The renovation of half of the hospital is coming to an end. - Shell Hospital


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Wednesday, February 5, 2020

The renovation of half of the hospital is coming to an end.

Picture: The new entrance doors to the Day Clinic area.

At the end of January every year we have to ask for a new permission from the Ministry of Health. This time we want to apply for the status of being a DAY CLINIC - an upgrade. This means that we could do surgeries and have patient care for up to 48 hours.

The last few days have been very busy - the new doors in, sinks, toilets, curtains... And in the OR rooms the (rain) water came up through the ground and peeled off parts of the special painting - we needed a better draining around the building and paint again. This will require some additional work of our maintenance group.

Today the Ministry of Health told us that they have to postpone the visit because of the Corona Virus and some other conferences. Everybody in our team relaxed about that news. We have more time to prepare and clean.

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