A net with many knots can carry heavy load.
A robe made out of many small strings is strong.
So we also need many hands to make this hospital be again a blessing for the patients here.
Your support saves lifes. Here some opportunities:
- regular prayer, that means you need to be informed. Ask for our monthly prayer letter!
- Financial help through:
German Donations USA Donations Ecuador Donations
Our hospital is international.
German Donations USA Donations Ecuador Donations
Our hospital is international.
We look for health care personell - who shares our love to Jesus
Coming for a longer term and be part of the Ecuadorian health care system (registered and one rural year before starting with us).
We still nee missionaries from other countries!
What did we accomplish in the past:
- Our outpatient clinic works
- we have a well equipt laboratory, X-ray, and ultasound
- half of the patients rooms ar renovated
- we prepare more OB patients and start emergencies
- we have a scientific lab for tropical deseases
- we are a day hospital and do different surgeries
- we have signed a 4 year contract with Reach Beyond to buy the place. Right now we are the owner of 50 % of the property and go on renovating.
March 2021
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